and thank god for Harry Potter!
I'm trying to host an online crop (
FYI - online crop with prizes and the whole store is at least 10% off at acot.) and normally DH would be watching DD, but he is out of town, so I am doing both and it was getting a little hairy there, until I finished reading her a book, and feeding her lunch and she asked to watch the first Harry Potter movie for like the 100th time. SCORE! 146 minutes of freedom!
ok, totally copied this from my sister, but I think I might start doing a blog meme monday or something, could be fun.
this is seriously going to get personal, you ready? sure
If you were caught cheating, would you fess up? yeah I would. I think I am the most afraid of being the last to know, so I would do the same courtesy
The last time you felt honestly broken? hmmm, don't know. it's been a little while, well, wait, no probably the first week of the year.
Are you craving something? not really.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? a million dollars - boring, but yeah, Im pretty happy right now, but I could always do with more money
Would you rather have ten kids, or none? none
What do you hear right now? the portable heater and the radio
Is your bed against more than one of your walls? no, it's not even really against one. up close, but with enough room for the curtains to hang down behind it
What’s on your mind right now? TOO much to list! (yeah I'll just keep this one from my sister's post)
Are you there for your friends? most of the time
Last person to see you cry? dunno
What do you do when you get nervous? lol - you want the truth? I get diarrhea
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? 27
Does anyone completely understand you? hmm, no probably no ONE person, but I have different people for different parts of me
Do you have a reason to smile right now? Yes!
Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you? yes
Would you be happier if life had a rewind button? probably
Do you tell your mum or dad everything? mostly
How many hours of sleep do you get a night? about 9
Are you easy to get along with? I think so
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? No
What was the last drink that you put in your mouth? sipping on coffee right now
What size bed do you have? queen
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? Before - who starts it IN the shower - BRRR
Do you like the rain? not really.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? yes
Who were you last in the car with, besides family? can't remember
Have you ever been hurt by someone you never thought would hurt you? yes
Do you regret a past relationship? Hmmm, I guess not
Do you care too much about your appearance? no, lol, I probably don't care enough
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? no
Do you miss anyone? yes
What are you doing tomorrow? don't know. probably scrapbooking.
Is there anyone you want to come see you? yes
Have you ever been cheated on? not that I know of
Do you have siblings? yes, one sister. (haha, guess I'll keep this one too)
Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?yes
How has the past week been for you? sick - so sick that I don't remember most of it
What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
What is your current mood? content
Who was the first person you talked to today? Ellie
Will this week be a good one? well, it HAS to be better than last week
Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? yes
Who were you with last night? My in-laws and ellie, then just ellie.
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? no
Next time you will kiss someone? probably in about 2 hours when DH gets home